Monday, August 06, 2007

BarCamps - Catching on

I have been noticing of late, that the notion of BarCamps, seems to be catching on quite well (in India). I fully intend to attend the next one I know of in Pune as I think its a great way to meet energetic and creative people and share. The whole notion of "unconferencing" is in itself refreshing - discuss what the collective desires and can build upon. Very cool.

Some people I have met with lately have expressed different reasons as to why they like the notion of BarCamps. Some like the community based, collaborative knowledge sharing, others like the fact that they get exposed to an array of potentially fresh thought. I personally think its a great way to see what is of interest to groups out there. If done right, these events can be a pretty potent creative collaboration. Oh...then there is the pure networking aspect - a chance to meet people who you might otherwise miss in the daily and the ordinary.

Anyways, I am looking forward to getting involved in any collective I can which deals with Web 2.0, collaborative servcices, online advertising and federated identity.
I will be posting details of future BarCamps on the blog as I come across any info.

ps. The Ajax session was pretty interesting, for a surprising reason :) - I realised except for some of the ways in which AJAX centred JavaScript is now used (and things like JSON etc), I have done a lot of script stuff that came quite close years ago! I guess anyone who has reasonable experience with Javascript and DOM should find starting with AJAX a matter of minutes. Good stuff!

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